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“Don’t say anything online that you wouldn’t want plastered on a billboard with your face on it"

Hey friends,

Are you over social media? Yeah? Me too.

I feel like I go through stages, one minute I’m loving it and posting pictures all over the gaff and the next minute I just feel like deleting all of my apps. I’m yet to find a happy medium but until then I’ll just firm the struggle.

I became really active on social media around college times, so that would’ve been the period 2010-2012. Those times social media was so much fun. I found like-minded people, reconnected with old friends, found out about the hottest events and practically stalked celebrities. You were free to tweet whatever and not much care went into the pictures you uploaded.

Nowadays it’s not as easy to find like-minded people and some of us over evaluate the things we post online. I guess that’s not a bad thing though, especially when you have busy bodies out there trying to destroy people’s careers. To be honest, no one cares about the mess in the background of your photo or whether you had breakfast this morning. It only matters when you’re in the public eye. I do still think that we should all create new accounts or just have a general tidy of our current social media accounts (you never know who’s next on the hit list).

“No one’s life is as perfect as their Instagram feed”

Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot of good about social media. E.G. promoting your brand.

It’s just that some people strive to make their lives appear perfect when in reality it isn’t. It really is okay to not post the "perfect" picture, be messy and to filter less. That being said, I’m guilty of adding filters to some of my photos or not posting something because of the mess in the background haha.

There was even a time that I would get upset over a picture not getting a certain amount of likes or a tweet going unnoticed. I laugh about it now because it doesn’t affect my life in any way shape or form.

Although this post may come across slightly negative, I have truly loved social media since the beginning of time. I’m talking before Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. I was on Myspace even though I had no musical content to promote and I also had Piczo, Bebo and even Hi5. Aww I’m getting all emosh now. Those days were the best.

Social media has always played a part in my life but it just isn’t how it used to be. I’m fed up of all the negativity, jealously and fakery on the platforms.

I’m definitely quieter on twitter, not as active on snapchat and find myself scrolling through Instagram and not feeling to post anything. I guess that gives Valencia (my fave filter) a break lol.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this!

Lots of Love

Joy x

P.S. While we're on the topic of not posting certain pictures and being real. I'm going to share a photo with you all that I decided not to post last week. I decided not to post this picture because I wasn't happy with my skin, the fact I looked tired and my bushy brows. How sad is that?

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